Scene not staying in an "on" state

I setup up a simple Scene that turns on a "Group" of sylvania RGBW zigbee lights. The group is 6 lights using zigbee group messaging. The scene changes the group to CT, sets the temp, and dimmer. The issue comes into play when pushing the switch button(for the scene) on a dashboard. The scene gets triggered perfectly but the switch button doesn't change color to signify the switch is ON. I also looked at at the device(scene) itself on the hubitat and it is off. But if I push the same button sometimes 2 or mostly 3 times the button finally changes color to signify it is ON, and then the device(scene) in hubitat also shows the current state as "switch: ON"

Looking at the log while button is pushed, shows the scene triggering on but never shows it triggering off. Why is the scene not staying in an "on" state. I don't have any other rules or scenes that trigger during this button press and nothing else is triggering in the log except the devices that are suppose to trigger.

What am I missing??

Do you have the scene set up to not ignore "scene" being off?

That doesn't affect this issue. But thanks for the suggestion.