Scene Is Too Big?

I have noticed when I activate my "Sleep Lights" scene (that has 48 switches and dimmers shutting off) sometimes a device or two don't shut off. More oddly, I have one outlet that turns off - and it is not included in the scene at all. Most of the devices are ZW one ZW+ and maybe 5 Zigbee.


Also, any way from RM to activate a scene - then confirm it is activated or reactivate it again?

You're better off using a group for this task.
The zigbee devices can utilize multicast commands if that option is selected in the group option.


Thanks, I'll try it that way tonight. Only a few of the devices are Zigbee - I assume those few will be included in the multicast and the rest on their own.

Raises a question though - If this is a group and the group is off, how can I turn it off again? Will it only work one times? No way I want to turn all those lights on at one time for any reason.

If it's off you can turn it off again, I have several of these i use for this exact purpose.

Seems to have worked - one time anyway.

Now the question is, why is a group better than a scene? Is it processed differently (other than Zigbee grouping).

a scene is designed to store a set of values and commands that are then passed on to the devices, a group doesn't store anything and just passes the commands and attributes that the group receives on to the devices.
so a scene can only capture one given state of it's members and then restore that state.
a group can accept any number of commands and then pass them on to its members.
scenes restore the captured states of its members
groups apply the received commands to its members

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Excellent response! Thanks.

Leaves me one question - lets say (for whatever reason) 2/100 lights in a group fail to turn off when group is given off command. In a dashboard the group is displayed as off. If I press the button it will turn the entire group on - before I can press it again and turn it off. So question is, is there a way, on a dashboard, to repeatedly turn off (if pressed, turn off)?