Hi there. I'm a little confused about the details between scene status objects.
When creating a scene, a virtual device is automatically created ("Scene Activator") with the same name.
Also when creating a scene, there is an option to "Select Switch to serve as Scene Set Indicator".
What are the difference between these two, for the purpose of setting and/or monitoring the status of a scene?
Does one take precedence over the other (if i set one, will it ignore the other), or are they both used (and kept in sync)?
I'm trying to set a rule that if a scene is active, certain Inovelli Red switch LED indicators have their notification active; i.e.: "When NIGHTLIGHT scene is on, notify the switch LEDs to pulse red (notification on)" and "When NIGHTLIGHT scene is off, notify the switch LEDs to return to normal (notification off)".
In these rules, I can select the scene itself (as a switch) as a trigger...
So, should I use:
- the scene itself,
- the virtual "scene activator" device that was automatically created with the scene,
- or the (optional) "scene set indicator"
as the rule trigger?