Samsung U22S

When trying to install the Android mobile app on the new Samsung U22S the screen freezes

A couple of questions that may be useful for someone else to know the answers to could be:

  • Have you tried uninstalling and re-installing the app?

  • Are you connected to the Internet when opening / installing the app? Assume this one is true, if you are installing from Play Store...

  • Do you have another Android device that you could try installing the app on, such as a tablet or another phone?

  • Are there any special networking settings on the phone, like the use of a VPN, etc?

  • What Android version are you running?

App installed on my Note 20 Ultra Android 12 without issue. I did not have any dashboards when I installed the app, built those after app install, in case that makes any difference.

Got the same phone, no issues here?