Hi Dave, first of all, Happy New Year. Thanks for all of your follow up. Lets go back to my first post. “The driver works great”. All buttons are responsive albeit the ON. Yes, it is because the Samsung TV makes itself go offline. So again, the driver works great. But, ON is very important to our home automations. It is so important, that the Samsung TV has now been replaced by a new Sony Bravia 77”. After many hours over several weeks of researching it out, finding a hubitat user driver for the Bravia TV and talking directly to Sony engineers, the TV has built into its software the likelihood that customers may want to use their mobile device or an app with the TV and handles the power off functions accordingly With available settings. After an hour of setup, adding a virtual device to hubitat, updating router settings, updating webCore pistons, it all worked. Now the best news is that i can also finally rid myself of smartthings! And i do not have to use Alexa ( I detest it but my wife will use it). The webCore pistons can now determine the TV was powered on or off as triggered by the remote and make all of the lighting automation decisions accordingly. Now, as the 30 year electrical engineer in me is always curious, i will set up the samsung and again try to achieve success with it. You have convinced me it may be possible to overcome the ON dilemma.