Samsung SmartThings new round outlet switch?

Has anyone gotten the new Samsung round outlet switches working?

I had trouble getting it to add but eventually did. I see it in my device list, but it does not show up to add it to my dashboard.

Any Other help or advice would be appreciated.



I don't have the device so not very useful from me but what driver are you using? Generic Zigbee outlet? I think it's the wrong driver you are using that's why it's not showing up.

I have a couple of them, correct driver is the "generic zibgee outet". Yes, they are sluggish when you try to add them, it can take up to a couple of minutes. They will add as a "device" (if I remember correctly) for the driver initially, you have to change it to the correct driver and then press configure and refresh.


Agree with @halfrican.ak. I have one and it took forever to pair but once it pairs it works fine and reports power too. I don't know what it is about ST branded sensors and Hubitat but my ST branded water sensors took forever to pair as well.

One thing to keep in mind is that ST sensors are picky on the zigbee channel. 26 for example doesn't work. You can find a few threads on this topic.

Someone please send me the fingerprint from the more section of the device join page, then I can update the driver, thanks.

I didn't really like the way these worked in Hubitat because the Generic Zigbee outlet driver never knew the state of the outlet (On/Off). Always showed off even when on. This made it difficult to use with the dashboard because the state would be indicated inaccurately. I replaced my last one today with a zooz ZEN15 Zwave plus switch. State is being reported correctly now, and one less zigbee device. I prefer Zwave plus. The Zooz seems to be heavy duty, and reports energy usage.

Going to be honest, each protocol has its advantages and disadvantages, if you adopt both you can leverage the advantages of each...

Manufacturer: SmartThings Product Name: Device Model Number: outletv4 deviceTypeId: 12


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Is there a way to see that without deleting the device and adding it back? Iā€™d hate to have to go through this again. But I will if that is the only option.


see above, already done

do they correctly report state in hubitat generally and dashboard? asking because this sounded like it does not:

They do for me, including power usage.


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