Samsung Outlet STS-OUT-US-2 does not update power measurement unless you click refresh

I saw the laundry app and i happened to have 2 of the samsung zigbee outlets.
I enabled them both for power measurement but for some reason, the one for the washer does not update automatically....I have to hit refresh (arg). The one on the dryer shows immediately


I've hit configure..but it doesn't help... One the one is acting up.

Any suggestions ?

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Factory reset the one that isn’t reporting, and re-pair it to Hubitat. It’ll pair back with its original name and device id.

Best i could tell for factory reset was to hold down button and plug in and wait for light to start flashing. I tried to pair but it already was. This method did not help.
Is there something else you have to do to factory reset it? Hope there is : )
In the mean time I wrote a webcore piston that refreshes the washer power every 2 mins ...during daytime that very taxing on Hubitat?
I did confirm they both had the same firmware

  • endpointId: 01
  • application: 12
  • softwareBuild: 00000012
  • model: outletv4
  • powerCluster: 0B04
  • firmwareMT: 110A-0014-00000012
  • manufacturer: SmartThings
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To reset, plug it in, then press the button until it starts flashing.

If it won’t reset, there’s something wrong with it.

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thanks....must be something wrong with it....webcore to the rescue : )

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I have a WC piston that polls every other minute for power updates on my GoControl modules as they don't report under HE :slight_smile: My new Aeotec 7 ones work just fine though.

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