Samotech SM323 UK

Hi all, this isn't so much a request for help, rather an advocation of thanks. It's taken me a while to find the perfect light switch but the Samotech SM323 seems to tick the boxes. I'm in the UK with no Neutrals at the light switch but the SM323 takes care of that!

Prior to smart light dimmer switches, I had an ordeal finding dimmers that don't buzz and also dim to the lowest levels. Good dumb dimmers come at a cost!

However, out with the dumb and in with the smart. The SM323 doesn't buzz, dims brilliantly low, works smartly, and of course is ZigBee, need I say anymore!


My experience exactly!
After some woeful purchases & installs I came across Samotech. I plumped for their SM314 dimmer that sits behind the physical wall-switch. Same guts, different shell I presume.

I have a few of them in the house and they work perfectly.

Unlike others I tried: LED bulbs are unlit when OFF, output is stable even when dimmed really low, and most importantly NO SIGNIFICANT HEAT! I didn't feel safe using the bypass units from another company - they got too hot for comfort.

Yes, the dreaded heat! I've agonised over which 240v dimmers to buy. Cheap electronics scare me. I couldn't work out where Samotech is based, is it a UK company? It feels this way but there were slight nuances in the instructions which made me think they'd be written overseas. :crossed_fingers:

Iā€™m looking to buy two of these so feedback like this is really helpful thank you.

UK Dimmer Module - Samotech 2 wires - #6 by ChrisPowys I also used this driver. Its a cracker! Great advice from @ChrisPowys