Safety Monitor issues

HSM Safety Monitor issues / Logic issue
Having two issues using the safty monitor app, what am I missing?

  1. Configure Armed-Away Intrusion Sensors / Open Closed Sensor (must be closed when arming) list - seems to be ignored upon arming unless section Configure Alerts for Arming Failures and Bypass Warnings (contacts open) is filled in. Not sure on logic here as users would assume it would fail anyway, however it doesnt unless you have setup notifcations.
  2. Under Configure Armed-Away Intrusion Sensors / Open Closed Sensor (must be closed when arming) I have Front Door listed and in Auto bypass when arming I also have Front door highlighted, however if front door is open when trying to arm the alarm arming fails with door is open. The bypass and arm only seem to work if door is closed, when user starts arming then leaves.
    It would be nice for warning messages to exclude devices marked in auto bypass that are open when arming. Currently I either need to close door before arming or exclude front door from list of devices.
    Have I missed anything, Hubitat could logic be tweaked.
  1. There's no point in having something that you need to be alerted about unless you set up some way to be alerted. Perhaps that could be made clearer in the app.

  2. Perhaps it should check for this conflict. It doesn't.

Thank you for clarification
Could you add item 2 to a future enhancement list, as think this would be very helpful to lots of people

I assumed it just wouldn't arm but didn't think that I needed to give HE a way to tell me what was opened. I made a similar post the other day:

I hadn't noticed that there is an HSM Notification Tile either. It all makes sense now.

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