I've seen some posts that say currently the is a bug that makes firmware updates on devices included as S2 fail. Is there a timeline on hopefully fixing that?
I had some Aeotec range repeaters that I had paired S2. I tried updating the firmware and was never successful. I believe the issue is that the S2 security adds overhead to every communication between the hub and the device. I removed the devices from the mesh, reset them to factory defaults, and then paired them to the hub without security. When I ran the update again, I was successful. If you wish, you can then remove them from the mesh, reset them and repaid them with S2 security. However, there is no reason to use S2 on a repeater.
There are a few devices like locks that cannot be paired without security. Upgrading them might be a problem.
There is a Z-Wave firmware update community app, not sure, it might be in Hubitat package manager, that will allow you to update devices that have S2 security.
I'm sure it is "on the list" to fix the in-box firmware updater....
But, yeah, for now use the community one.
I have experienced this issue multiple times and have needed to unpair S2, update without S2, and then repair with S2. I have reported it more than a year ago and nothing has been done to fix the problem. This issue seems indifferent to a specific device or brand. The error is repeatable making it easier to debug/fix. Although I really like Hubitat and the support team, I find the lack of attention to this issue disappointing.
This isn't as convenient as the built-in updater, but here's how to use the community version for S2-device updates...
This process works for Zooz (I've done it numerous times), and I'm confident it will work with any other GBL or OTA files too.
Z-wave S2 device - how to (maybe!) update firmware with HE - Get Help / Devices - Hubitat
Doubtful, I have brought it up a few times during beta testing and it falls on deaf ears...
I don't think it falls on deaf ears, rather I don't think it gets prioritized over new features like Matter.
Since there are very few developers in Hubitat, they are (probably) only going to work on things they think are strategic (Matter, homekit), or are breaking bugs in existing features (RM, etc).
I expect seldom used features like this may never get attention.
Especially since there is a community solution that works. That immediately (probably) puts it to a low priority for them versus those other things the community can't provide workarounds for.
Usually that is what I would assume, but in this case I could not even get anyone to respond and acknowledge it was a bug after answering some questions, being disputed that it was not as bug, and then providing solid evidence that it was in fact a bug. So I assume at that point that they are not interested in fixing it.
I see a trend with some items getting pushed out and working mostly, and then bugs do not get fixed (looking at you, Bond integration). Most things get fixed but some just linger on for a long time with no real response from anyone even saying they plan to fix it.
I agree with the sentiment in general, but given that the person who wrote the community solution is now staff, this seems like low hanging fruit.
I guess... But again,if there is a working solution/workaround why spend any time on it versus something new?
Not here to argue, just thinking out loud really.
I don't disagree, but this is good example of community solutions being both a blessing and a curse...
We all here love community solutions (of course!), but relying on those too much does impact the ease-of-entry threshold for a wider audience of presumably not-as-savvy customers (which Hubitat needs to make inroads with for viability). For those potential customers, the notion of "community solution" often has negative connotations like inconsistency, unreliability, and difficulty.
I'd contend this sort of thing is one of Home Assistant's biggest "image" problem these days -- I'm not commenting on whether it's true or deserved etc, I'm just saying that the perception & reputation of being difficult to use is very hard to shake once it's planted. And that's a fate Hubitat should seriously want to avoid, so shoring up the native/stock solutions should be a greater priority.
In this particular case, the fix would be super simple for HE to do (it's indeed low-hanging fruit), and it would go a long way with a broad base of users.
That's why I'm here, frankly.
Have to agree that it's probably mostly about priorities, given we have a workable solution that is being shared. "Better" if the built-in app was fixed/replaced, but is that "better" than other work on new features or more debilitating bugs. Always a balancing act, and when I was working w/dev teams disagreements among the team on priorities was the norm.
Not saying I agree or disagree, since I don't know what fixing the FW update app is competing with.
I wish the built in app would give a warning/notice that if the device shows that it's paired with S2, that the firmware update won't work. Or some other UI change to inform the user.
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