S2 Authenticated Z-Wave Devices Not Responding to Commands

Yes I did, by way of a C7 in the middle. Is there a know bug when upgrading from the C5?

I have done this. Devices work fine without security. If I try and add them with s2 again, they stop working.

A few people have had struggles migrating from a C5 before and also the C5 does not support S2. So I was thinking just maybe something is botched with the S2 outbound communication at the z-wave level for some reason. But if the S2 devices worked on the C7 just fine then that pretty much rules that out.

Just a shot in the dark but try running this endpoint to force the zip gateway to update (wait while it processes and you will eventually get a response back)

After getting a success message reboot the hub.

Then after doing that run this and post results:

VersionReport(zWaveLibraryType:7, zWaveProtocolVersion:7, zWaveProtocolSubVersion:18, firmware0Version:7, firmware0SubVersion:18, hardwareVersion:1, firmwareTargets:1, targetVersions:[[target:1, version:7, subVersion:18]])

And I assume the install endpoint showed this: already running v7.18.3

Was a long shot but there was one other person with Zwave crashing where that fixed it so thought it might be worth a try.

The first time I did it, it just said "success, please reboot". After the reboot, the version page returned a 404 error. Ran the installer again. Got the same "success, please reboot". After that the version page worked, which is what I posted. Kind of odd, but I ran the installer a third time just to see if it gave me the "already running" message. It didn't. Gave me the same "success, please reboot" Now after the third install and reboot cycle, it is giving me the "already running v7.18.3" message.

Yes that was my experience before as well, took multiple tries. Seems like it does not always take the first go around. The hub is supposed to be updating it by itself on reboot but then they had to revert that due C7 firmware updating issues so not sure if it has to always be done manually or where its at right now. Maybe we will get lucky and that will help...

Nope, no change. S2 devices still don't respond to commands from the hub. Do you think it would be worth trying to downgrade to 715 then attempt the upgrade again?

The C8 came with 7.18.1 so it never had 7.15, not sure what it would do if you tried it. Probably wont break anything permanently so it would not hurt. I am not even totally sure where the communications would even be getting jammed up.

Its a very strange problem.

If you have hub protect, you could try doing a z-wave radio reset and see if S2 works after that. Then you would have to restore the radio afterwards to get all your devices back. Sort of scary to do but should be relatively safe.

Circling back to Z-wave logs. This should show and entry for all outbound z-wave messages. When you try to activate a S2 device from the hub does it show up in Z-wave logs? (The first try it will always show dev: but after that it should link to the device correctly)

If you happened to have a zsniffer, that would be the most useful way to troubleshoot this.

I do have hub protect. Just so I don't mess it up, are the steps below correct?

1- Create new cloud backup and confirm that the "Z-Wave" box is checked
2- Reset the zwave radio from the hub diagnostic page
3- Reboot
4- Restore from the cloud backup

Yes it does. Here is an example.

dev:52024-04-21 11:56:45.306infoseqNo: 84, routeChanged: false, transmissionTime: 1ms, repeaters: None, speed: 100 kbs, rssi: [-87 dBm, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A], Ack channel: 0, Transmit channel: 0

I have a Zooz S2 700 USB stick that I use for zapping the occasional ghost node. Can those be used as a sniffer?

Yes that should in theory be safe. I was thinking before step 4 though, try including an S2 device with the reset radio. See if that fixes it. It might attach to an existing device in your device list or something screwy but you can test basic functionality. Then exclude the device or factory reset it before restoring.

When you then do the restore you might want to restore the hub database as well, just in case the inclusion/exclusion mucked anything up.

If it works on reset radio it tells us that something with the z-wave chip database is messed up. Only way to fix might be to reset the radio and rebuild :frowning:

Yes I think so, but you have to flash a special firmware on it to use as a zsniffer, not sure if/how you go back to normal afterwards. I have an extra stick I got specifically to make a zsniffer.

Trying this now. Fingers crossed.

You are braver than I am. I get nervous just doing a soft reset even though I know it is perfectly safe if you have a backup.

Believe me, hitting that "reset" button made me cringe.

Well, there is good news and bad news. The good news is that the hub restored as advertised, bringing back all of my devices. The bad news is that the problem is still there. The worse news is that the S2 device did work fine prior to restoring the database.

I really hope that one of the developers can take a look at my z-wave radio DB and see if there is an easy fix. The thought of rebuilding the entire thing from scratch is making me want to cry.

I was thinking .. watching this thread ..
Seems like it would be easier to just re-add everything as a non-s2 device LOL
S0 Seems to be working fine .. really not necessary to have s2 on 99% of devices.
Anyway .. good luck guys ~!

That thought had crossed my mind, and I think someone else may have suggested it at some point. I just can't bring myself to do that. I will never be able to sleep at night knowing that it is still technically "broken". I know, might seem crazy, but I just want it to work ask it should.

@bcopeland or @bobbyD Any chance you can get more details from your end?
TLDR: Devices with S2, cannot control from the hub but inbound messages work. They tried resetting the z-wave radio and including a S2 device on a clean radio, which worked normally. Restoring from cloud backup then brought it back to the non functional state as before. Rebuilding from scratch seems like it would fix it but they have a lot of devices as shown in a screenshot way up in this thread.

@bob5 You could also just PM @support_team your Hub ID with a link to this thread to ask if there is anything else they can see or suggest. They need the Hub ID to check the logs.