Rules Machine Legacy: worth redoing?

I have about half my rules in Rules Machine and half in Rules Machine Legacy. Most of them would be pretty easy to rewrite. But I wonder if it's worth the time? Are there short or long term benefits to doing this work?

Thanks and apologies if this has been asked/answered. Couldn't find it if it has.

Jay W

I'm not sure there's any benefit to rewriting them unless you want to take advantage of new functionality and streamline them. I still have a dozen or so legacy RM rules. I generally just leave them alone. If I have to make changes that are more than a quick adjsutment I usually spend the time to rewrite them.


My understanding is that if the legacy rules are working for you and you don't need to add functionality there is no advantage to moving them to RM, and no performance or other penalty for keeping them as is. So it really comes down to your OCD level. :sunglasses:

Continued legacy compatibility for all areas of the HE environment is one of many reasons this platform is a good investment.


Only advantage I would say is that you tend to see better ways to do things when you rewrite the old rules. I just added a 4th hub to my system and moved all rules, dashboards and cloud based devices to that hub. I just exported and imported my RM 5 rules, but I re-wrote all the legacy rules so I would not have to install the Legacy RM on the new hub.

I found several that I was able to make better due to updates in the rules engine and from things I had learned since writing the original rules.


I guess I'll take a chill pill. In many ways I find the IF-THEN confusing in the latest RM so rewriting those rules gives me a pain. So letting it ride unless there's a reason to re-write. Thanks guys.

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I do agree that the helpers are a little confusing, but you can just ignore them and build the conditional rules like you always did.

But, there is no need to rebuild legacy rules. They will continue to work as before.

If it ainā€™t broke, donā€™t fix it.

It's unnecessary, but a good project for a dull day. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: