Rule Wants To Turn Light Back On

I have a rule that does the following:

  1. turn on master bath light
  2. dim light to 10%, fade 0 or ramp up to 10% over 0 min; tried both
  3. wait 5 sec.
  4. fade light up to 95% over 5 min.
  5. turn off light, BUT, the light comes back on by itself
    Why is the light coming back on and not staying off? thanks for any help.

A peek at the rule and logs might help people make a more informed decision.

On first glance, you essentially have two different "on" commands separated by a delay. RM doesn't support multiple delays, so your off command has to be happening at the same time as one of the on commands. Screenshot would help.

I have it working with 2 rules except the light still wants to come back on after you manually shut off the light. I don't think I need the </=95 in the first rule.

This one turns it on to 10%. works

This one adjusts it up to 95% over time. works

But when you shut off the light it comes back On a few seconds later. That is what I can't get to work is having the light stay off. thanks

Are you turning the light off during the 5 minute fade period?

I have tried it during and also waiting well after the 5 min and the same result.

During makes sense that it would turn back on. After doesn't. Might need to get your logging window open to see what's causing the light to turn back on.

Ok I let the rule run until it reached 95 in the logs and waited another minute and shut off the light. The light stayed off but I don't see any entry in the log for shutting off the switch. When I tried it again I also noticed the light came on bright (95) and then after a second or two it jumped down to 10%. I assume that would be normal. So I guess I was turning off the light before the 5 min was up and that was tripping it again. Maybe a gremlin as to why it wasn't staying off even after 10 minutes last time.
Thanks for your help.

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