Rule vs Rule - confusing terminology in 2.2.9

Version 2.2.9 seems to have changed the name used for conditions to be rules, so instead of

If condition

It reads:

If rule

(and similarly for other statements)

It’s unclear why this was done, and it introduces ambiguity and confusion because “rule” is an overused term in HE. For example it comingles the things created with Rule Machine etc and the building blocks used to create them.

Please reconsider whether this ambiguity really helps make the product clearer and easier to use.



The core concept that led to the app being named Rule Machine / Rule-x in the first place is that of a logical rule. A logical rule is made up from conditions, logical operators (AND, OR, NOT) and parenthetical grouping. The word "Conditions" that was used before since Rule-3.0 falls well short of conveying this concept, and overloads that word with two meanings, only one of which is right (see where you can Manage Conditions). For example, Wait for Conditions is actually waiting for a logical rule to be true, not just certain conditions.

So, author's prerogative.

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