Rule not working - What am I doing wrong?

If that's true @bravenel will need to look at it.

I can replicate easily

But I have an assumption that the All of these Option changed the Condition from One of These to ALL of These

But not the case ANY use of the All of these OPTION turns the Condition to FALSE

Please provide some evidence of this. For instance, grab screenshots of the device events to show that they are all idle. Ideally, reduce your test to just two devices. I may create a small test app for you to use if you can demonstrate this. This could be a driver issue. Rule is looking for device.currentThermostatOperatingState from the driver.

Worked around it and created an IF THEN with ANDs between them all

If I use ANDs it shows TRUE

If I use All of these it shows FALSE


even with the two devices - shown above in thread

I'll test with something easier and see if it is consistently wrong

I think this demonstrates the issue

According to this Rule with 'All of these' enabled then The Bathroom or the Guest Ensuite are NOT IDLE

But the Devices say different

And just to verify

Tested same states with same Thermostat Controllers USING AND and not the All option

and get a different result

Thanks. I will post here soon a small test app for me to tell which is the source of the error.

Please install this, select the thermostats, and hit Done. Post the logs it outputs.

	name: "Test Therms",
	namespace: "hubitat",
	author: "Bruce Ravenel",
	description: "Rule",
	category: "Convenience",
	iconUrl: "",
	iconX2Url: ""

preferences {
    section {
		input "therms", "capability.thermostat", title: "Select thermostats", multiple: true

def updated() {

def installed() {
    log.debug "current therm state = ${therms.currentThermostatOperatingState}"

Nevermind the little app. I can reproduce the bug you've found.

Interestingly, other multi-thermostat tests with all work:

Screen Shot 2021-01-04 at 11.42.46 AM

No problem :slight_smile:

It was doing my head in :slight_smile:

Found the bug. The code has a misspelling:

compare(it.currentThermmostatOperatingState, "="

Fix will be in next release.



Awesome thank you.

I am new to HE - how often do you do new releases?

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It's been running a two to three months lately.

You're the first person who's ever used all for thermostat operating state with multiple thermostats. This bug dates back to the very beginning.

Ha go figure!!

I have got the heating system working nicely now.

With 9 radiators, will keep it stable for the week then add the rest.

Thanks for jumping on this !!
