Rule Machine

Is there a way to get rule machine simple. I want to use one of my motion sensors to turn on a light that is already connected to a next motion sensor when there is motion at a specific time, and I am having a head ache this true and false thing. When I use the simple light app and the bulb goes out it won't be triggered by motion have to use Google assistant. So is there a a more simpler hub cause I am thinking I am finish with HE.

I don’t quite follow what you mean by “next motion sensor.” Can you clarify?

If you post a screenshot of your simple lighting rule, that would probably help.

I have already deleted the settings. I have 3 Phillips hue motion sensor 1 outdoor sensor 2 indoor. I use 1 to control the stairs light and the other for a bathroom downstairs. I wanted to use the outdoors sensor to turn on the 2 lights I mentioned. I also have a next problem with HE also every time I use Google to turn off any of those lights mentioned they won't turn back on via the motion sensor.

I'm not sure how much has been shared publically, but in the last Hubitat Live episode, they tried to tease Rule Machine 4.0. The options for creating rules will be simplified, so you might get more or less what you're asking for then. :slight_smile: I'll let someone else troubleshoot the Simple Lighting rule above (my lighting rules are too complicated for me to use that most of the time), but if you really wanted to dive into Rule Machine, I'd suggest starting with the docs here: Rule Machine - Hubitat Documentation. It's a bit of a beast and not the easiest thing in the world to get the hang of the first time you try, but 4.0 should help, and in the meantime, feel free to ask for help with 3.0 if you want to go that route (though the docs may help; take your time and read the whole page so you understand all the options...a regular "rule" sounds like what you'd probably want here).

To answer your questions about "actions for true" and "actions for false," those are quite important to how anything with "rule" in the title works in Rule Machine. A a "regular" rule will evaluate the rule whenever any of the conditions change (you define conditions to be able to use them to create rules; they don't do anything on their own besides these two things). If the rule evaluates to true and was false before, "actions for true" will run. If it evaluates to false and was true before, "actions for false" will run. Neither will run if the conditions change but the ultimate truth value of the rule doesn't (you'll need to understand basic boolean algebra to do this, but only the simplest kind--things like True AND False = False, True AND True = True, False AND False = False, True OR False = True, and however complicated you want to make things with ordering and nesting, which probably won't be much for a motion sensor active state if that's all or most of your conditions).

there is a built in app for “motion lighting”

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I tried using it for the bathroom sensor and it won't work ( motion detected no illumination). To be honest I am going to use the Phillips hue hub and get a ST its to much just to get my lights working how i want them, just had to walk in the dark because the hallway motion sensor didn't trigger until I am literally standing on it feeling like I got rob by HE.

What did the logs show on these failures? Did the motion rule trigger? Is it your light that is not receiving the command? Have you setup the zigbee repeaters you mentioned in your other thread? This sounds like a setup and no trouble shooting issue as opposed to blaming HE.

I deleted the settings don't know if i can still get the logs. But the motion sensors trigger I look at the device but no action meaning the light didn't come on, but it work sometimes. The light will come on stay the time then won't trigger after the 10 second trigger time

I don't think you are looking in the right place. You need to go to "Logs". If you keep that window open, it will show you in real time what is going on. If you click on "Show Past Logs" it will show everything that has happened back to a certain point. Also, you have to make sure to have"Enable logging" on in the motion lighting rule or whatever it is you want to look at. What about the repeaters?

You should probably read through the documentation: Hubitat Elevation Documentation - Hubitat Documentation

I ordered them won't get to me until Friday live in Jamaica

Ah, island time. :+1:t2:
Should I ask what you have ordered ?

2 of SYLVANIA SMART + ZigBee Indoor Smart Plug