Rule Machine with AND condition

I am still not fully understanding. In the documentation there is a section, Special Actions'. Within the section is 'Conditional Actions', including the 'IF (expression) THEN.
The long example:
IF (Living Room Dimmer is on) THEN
IF (Mode is Day) THEN
Dim: Living Room Dimmer: 75%
On: Kitchen Lights
ELSE-IF (Mode is Night) THEN
Dim: Living Room Dimmer: 25%
Off: Kitchen Lights
Dim: Living Room Dimmer: 50%

is interesting and implies lines of code. I assume this is generated by the system and not a capability I can create with a text editor.

When I open the 'Manage or Create Conditions' section I don't see any avenue to the IF/THEN logic.

I am clearly missing something(a lot).

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