Rule Machine vs Simple Automation

Check if the Turn off if disconnected setting is turned on, or not. I wonder if it's having a tough time staying connected with Hubitat...

This setting was on. I will turn it off to see if that solves the issue.
The only other thing I can think of is that at 7am my Mode changes to Day.
That just sets a dimmer level on one switch. I moved that to 7:01am. Let's see what happens in the morning.

Thanks everyone for the ideas and support.


If anyone cares, I bought one of these Firefly Bonsai trees from Amazon (first pic). It runs from 5v USB. The base has a touch activated switch that simply turns it on/off. I thought it would be cool to trick it out, so I opened it up and bypassed the stock controller and embedded one of these wifi controllers (second pic) so I could run it from Hubitat.


First time I ever knew that condors could speak French.

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Certainement! (Mais unfortunatement nous parlons avec une accent Americaine. Tant pis pour nous...)

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That’s a great idea! Love the implementation.

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You can have socketStatus method which will be called with "receive error: reason" or "send error: reason" like this:

def socketStatus(String status) {
    if (status.startsWith("receive error:")) {
        log.debug "ouchie"
    } else if (status.startsWith("send error:")) {
        log.debug "owie"

This code should come w/bandaids... :wink:

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The tree came on this morning at 7:00 with only one event in the log. Not sure if it was the "Turn off if disconnected" setting or not, but it works.....will continue to monitor.

Thank you again to this group.

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I’m having the same problem with a timed On/Off Simple Automation Rule. I have Osram Smart+ Zigbee outlets and would like certain lamps to go on in the morning and off in the evening. I get the same PENDING events but the lamps do nothing.

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