I have a simple rule written under V2.5**. " On at sunset+5 minutes off at sunset +120 minutes."
Not sure what time it went on today (event says 9:56PM).
However is did not go off at the correct time. Should have been ~ 10:30PM EDT. Its 11:50PM and its still on.
Device events have no entries after going on at 9:56 PM
Location page indicates sunset is at 8:24PM today.
I did update to 117 today (well before the light should have gone on.)
Do I need to recreate the rules under 2.51?
** When 2.5 came out I deleted 2.? and installed 2.5, re-created my rules.
Please show the app detail page for this rule. It will show scheduled events. That's the first place to look to diagnose what might be going on. I'm eager to see that, because the 'after sunset' logic was completely reworked, and if there's a bug I'd like to nail it promptly.
Not sure if it is related or not but I had 2 rules to turn lights off 20 minutes after motion stops, not turn off last night.
Also another one that opens my curtain at a set time did not run this morning. EDIT: Make that 2 timed rules that didn't run this morning.
These are old rules that have been running faultlessly for weeks.
I am at the latest version on my hub.
EDIT:Opening and closing the rule makes it run OK.
Not able to reproduce this behavior. If you want to dig into it deeper, trigger the light on with motion, then look at the app detail page where it shows Scheduled Jobs. See if the off is scheduled or not.