Hello! I am looking for a way to have my thermostats change their mode to off when my smoke detectors go off. I know how to do this already but want to give background.
Once the smoke alarms stop going off (relay switches back off) I want to be able to RESTORE the previous thermostat mode (IE: Cool / Heat / Off). Rule machine does not show my thermostats when I try to setup a 'capture' action. Anyone have a solution to this? Thanks for reading!
Yeah, capture action doesn't support thermostats. You'd have to do it somehow with using a Hub Variable, and then going through conditional logic to restore (IF-THEN, ELSE-IF, etc).
If you are using Thermostat Schedular, you could add a virtual switch that will turn them off by using the restrictions in TS. Select your virtual switch in the "only when not disabled by switch" option, and turn on the "turn thermostat off when restricted".
*Note when you are reading the rule above "Set Furnace Mode" refers to setting a local variable in the rule that I named: "Furnace Mode".
My furnace is always in either heating or cooling mode. But if your furnace is sometimes in "off" mode, I would make another line to set the variable to "off" if the furnace is in off mode when the alarm first alarms.
If my memory serves me correctly, I have @ryan780 to thank for the logic in this rule. Wonder whatever happened to Ryan, I enjoyed Ryan's insights on this forum.