Rule machine repeat loop stopped working in last few weeks

A rule machine I have setup for controlling a wake light has been in place for months and in the last week or 2 stopped incrementing through one of the repeat N loops.
Logs indicate it gets to the 2nd loop, executes it once and then doesn't continue after the 30 second wait time.

app:522023-02-15 10:11:13.839 AMinfoAction: END-REP (waiting for next)

app:522023-02-15 10:11:13.763 AMinfoAction: Set color: Bedroom-WakeLight Custom HSB color Hue: Hue100(7.777777777777778) Sat: Saturation(99) Level: Bright(29)

app:522023-02-15 10:11:13.725 AMinfoAction: Set Hue100 to (Hue(28) / 3.6)

app:522023-02-15 10:11:13.678 AMinfoAction: Add -1 to Saturation

app:522023-02-15 10:11:13.614 AMinfoAction: Add 1 to Hue

app:522023-02-15 10:11:13.568 AMinfoAction: Add 2 to Bright

app:522023-02-15 10:11:13.462 AMinfoAction: Repeating Actions 36 times

Any suggestions?

They just fixed a bug a few weeks ago where the last repeat was not properly stopping if it should have maybe something happened then? But my rule is now working properly for me.

This is a C-7 hub that is up-to-date as of this morning. The logs are for test run after the update today.

Not sure why it was working and now isn't, but I did notice one thing I'm not familiar with. In my rules, I don't normally see "delays" as a separate action. Usually they are a parameter of the action being delayed. Where you use "delay" I would normally use a "wait for elapsed time."

If you haven't gotten this sorted out yet, try changing your delays to waits and see what happens.

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