Rule machine custom command creating unwanted null parameters

Has anyone else had issues with creating custom commands in Rule Machine, and having them end up with additional "null" parameters?
I keep getting this issue and i am not intentionally creating them. I cannot figure out how to delete them without re-creating the entire action.

Is this a bug perhaps??

No, there is no bug. But you may have hit Add another parameter more than once. Delete this action, try again.

Is there a way to add the functionality to delete a parameter? I'm simply trying to change the led color on a Zen32, and this takes a very long time to configure a simple led color based on state for each led.
I keep ending up with bad parameters (string when i selected a number and these null parameters). I am positive i am making the right selections, but they seem to randomly get entered wrong. I have had to re-do this multiple times. I really think there seems to be a "gremlin" of sorts, but I'm having trouble pin pointing what sequence creates the issue.

It is interesting, as there is exactly the same number of 'nulls' as there are "else-if" it seems like a new null is added to the first custom command, each time i add an else if. I added the "else-if" using the "add action before".

No, that doesn't happen either. I don't know what you're doing. Adding other actions before or after a Custom Action will not create new parameters. Only clicking on "Add another parameter" will do that.

You can delete them by editing them, removing whatever the value setting is, and changing whatever the type entry is to No Selection. Then Done with Action. But that's more work than just removing the action.

Okay, I have confirmed something odd 100%. Each time i insert an action, it automatically creates a NULL. Before I have even added a parameter. I cannot delete the NULL.
I deleted the action that had the 6 nulls. I then went to insert a new action to replace the one i deleted, and there was already a Null parameter. I cannot delete the null parameter. You can see from the screenshot, I have selected to insert before ELSE-IF and the parameter of NULL is prefilled already. So each "insert before" seems to add a null to the root action".

Show your App Status (gear icon) Settings section. Cancel or finish that action first.

And show a screenshot of the Actions page, corresponding to the above.

I'm not sure what that means. Right now, i can no longer edit the actions anymore. Something seems to be corrupted. I think the rule "broke".

OK, please finish all active rule editing: Done editing expression, and then Refresh Action List. And you haven't shown all of the Settings section. No need to show that portion above again. Need to see the portion that is in 'c' part of alphabet.

Looks like all of your setLED actions have 3 parameters; is that right?