Rule Machine 5.1 Cannot add any trigger but Button

Good morning all, I have a strange behaviour with the rule machine 5.1 in the latest

I have a rule that triggers daily at the same time, and I also have a virtual button that call that rule. I have added the button in one of my dahsboard.

I want to edit the trigger to add another condition ( boolean in addition to the time event). The rule machine app only allow me to select a button if I select the existing rule condition...

What am I missing here ??? might be a code 22

Clicking the trigger, the app proposes me only this :

Button control app is showing :

Is it possible you closed the rule or used the "back" button in the browser when you were in the middle of adding a trigger before? In any case, the editor seems to have you stuck there for some reason (and these are two likely ways it could have happened). There should be a "Cancel this trigger event" button just below where your screenshot was cut off, and clicking that should let you back out. If nothing else, you can also just select a button device and complete adding the trigger, then remove it when you're done--just to get your way out of here.

I'm not sure what the screenshot from Button Controller is for, but if you're wondering if it's related, it's not (aside from internally sharing some code and functionality with rules).

No cancel button ....

I put the button controller because this is the only difference with my other rules that dont have that problem.

How about the other option I mentioned?

I'm still not clear on what difference you mean, but Button Controller is a separate app and I can't imagine it's related anyway.

Yes ok
I added a trigger then deleted it - should I have tought about it.

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