Rule help - What am I doing wrong with my dimming rules?

I can't seem to get these lights to consistently have the correct dimmer levels when they turn on, and I suspect I am missing something with the logic of the rules I have in place. They also seem to turn on whenever they feel, which I'm hoping to begin addressing after this is taken care of, and know it is/isn't the culprit.

On my stairs, in this example, I have two Iris motion sensors which trigger the lights to turn on. This should happen 100% of the time, no matter which mode is active.

I have two Sylvania BR19 lights which never get turned off by the switch, only through automation. They are part of a group, called Stairs which I use with Zigbee Group Messaging. This is the motion lighting I have configured for them:

I manage dimming with a RM rule that adjusts a virtual dimmer (Virtual - Light Level Dimmer), which the Light Level - Stairs rule should track. This is where I think I've gone wrong, but can't find where. Here is the RM rule:

I might be oversimplifying this, and need additional rules to achieve what I am trying. I don't know. I think getting around this problem will eliminate one or more issues.

All help is appreciated.


The track dim feature only works if the dimmer you are tracking (Virtual Dimmer) changes values. If you want the target lights to come on and adjust to the Virtual Dimmer's value while the Virtual Dimmer is not changing, you are going to have to find another way to set the target lights. If it's a predictable dim cycle, you could explicitly say go to x% if time is between Y and Z. You could set up another rule to increment and decrement the Virtual Dimmer when the lights come on (force a movement) so the tracking picks up the change.

If you're willing to dive into a community developed app, @bangali recently added the ability to set one device to another's attribute in his WATO app. This is what I ended up doing. When a specific light turns on, set it to a Virtual Dimmer's level.

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Thanks for the response. I'm going to check into WATO from bengali.

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@destructure00, are you using WATO for both the dimming (when light is already on) and to achieve the correct light level at the time the light is turned on? I can configure it to turn on at correct level with WATO, but think I might need to use RM Track Dim for when the light is already on.

Thanks Again,

I'm only using WATO for the turn-on level. I use RM to follow the virtual dimmer once the light is already on.

That's what I was thinking. I'm just finishing the change over to this setup. Now to get Circadian to work the same.....

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