Rule button explanation

Can you explain how how this switch or button works. Please use examples

"ignore trigger events while running"

I have 4 separate rules controlling my kitchen using present sensor. 1 ceiling on motion 2 off no motion same for cabinet lighting 3 & 4. Does this part of the rule apply to these triggers?

As I understand it, that option would only be useful in a longer-running rule scenario (involving delays or anything else that can extend execution) where subsequent trigger occurences could throw a monkeywrench in the already-running rule.

In most (arguably) cases, this option wouldn't be necessary, as most rules excute start-to-finish quickly.

In the case of a "motion on/off -> light on/off" rule, this option should not be necessary.

More info here:

This toggle was added for cases where delays are within the actions of a rule. Bruce explains this in this post:

Thanks for all your help. I think I've got it now.

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