Please expound on the subject line.
Or point me to the topics that caused this to be looked at.
2.4.x hosed one of my favorite giant pile of rules.
I have no complaint with HE, knowing very well, any minor hiccups are quickly corrected.
Thank you.
I have been following 2/3 of these.
I think that i am going to update my hubs, in hope!
HE has proven to be a blast.
The collective group is an incredable
I cannot express how great.
Let me stop before i start crying joy.
The delay calling an RM rule from another seems to have been resolved. There is also a delay when setting another rule's private boolean - this has not been resolved.
On the Private Boolean lag - @bravenel attempted to replicate my issue and was unable, and I don't think looked into it again. Now that you HAVE been able to replicate the issue on 2.4.0, maybe he would be willing to give it a second look - I hope because some of my automations that took less than a second to run are taking almost 15 seconds now to complete the rule.