Route Hubitat Notifications to SmartThings (App and Driver)

Almost a year later, I’m still amazed at the speed and reliability of Pushover. I found notifications on the ”other hub” to be very unreliable (still sore about the notification I got three hours after the water heater sensor reported ‘wet’).

I look forward to native notifications, but fear it will not be as feature-rich as Pushover. Hope I’m wrong but glad there is a tried and true option.

Yeah, it does seem powerful, but I just get the feeling of having paid for features I didn't need. Though, you mention each family member, don't they each have to have an account for pushover to work with them?

Nope. Just one account. You then add each device using that one account, and each device shows up in Pushover. Then, when you create a Hubitat Pushover Device, you can select which Pushover Device you want to use (or all of them.)

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