Room Presence Sensors

Does anyone know of a device that tracks users inside the house? Not exactly sure how I'd expect it to work - but maybe a wearable item and sensors in each room.... so that the system could know who is in each room and adjust room preferences (light temp, room temp, etc) to the user?

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Looks exactly like what I was thinking of! Thanks for the link. Sad they are longer making them due to tariffs. Hopefully that will change, as I don't particularly want to learn to make it myself!

This looks promising. But I won't even try it until they open it up so it can be integrated into HE or other systems. I think its in the plans.

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Most solutions seem to require your phone on you 24/7 in order to work. I'm definitely not interested in that. I'm trying to spend LESS time with my phone, not MORE.

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