Room Lighting - Means to turn off lights (and vs or)

I'm having an issue getting my lights to turn off.
What I wan is if motion stays inactive for 5min
or lux is > some value (use variable lux does not find my virtual illuminance sensor, this maybe a bug?)
or time is X during some days of the week

What I'm seeing in the logs is that I'll get motion inactive and the delay will start, but I'll get "Ignore Turn Off Event: illuminance of x not > 70(setpoint).

This seems like an "and" statement and not an "or". Any ideas other than putting this in RM?

Can you show the whole RL instance?

Are you getting an illuminance event during the 5 minutes?

That does not cancel the timer for the motion off. The Means to Turn Off are OR, not AND. It's just telling you it got an event that might be a turn off event, but isn't.

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I created a work around by pulling motion out of the rule an into a completely separate rule that makes a virtual point (true/false) based on logic. I might have been trying to do too much in one rule.
@bravenel, I would be getting an illuminance event during the 5 min in normal conditions. What I did for testing was to completely cover the motion sensor with a rag, so no motion and low lux. I never saw the command to turn the lights off. Maybe I was getting conflicting operations because the turn on was if lower the "x" illuminance, then turn off was trying if no motion, so turn on took priority.
I might try to set it up again here and see if I can replicate the events. I can then provide complete screenshots of how everything is setup.

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