Room lighting and physical switch attributes

So what Bruce explained above is that the way the limits work is when it goes to trigger first it looks at the current state of the switch you select to limit activation (or turn off). The physical/digital part is not part of the state itself, that is only on or off. The "type" is only pushed on the event.

Based on knowing that, it might be feasible for the "physical" option to be added to the Disable .... upon these events, and subsequent Enable option. That might be something for @bravenel to consider for a future release.


The bug reported above caused this not to appear as a choice. That is available with the fix.


Thanks for the room Lighting fix, now seems to be working as expected with inbuilt aeotec nano switch driver (see below screenshots). However the inbuilt Aeotec Dual Nano driver does not trigger the "Physical Switch", how might i go about requesting this driver to update "Type" column in the device to show "digital" or "physical" or "command"? I can see these details are listed in the "Description" column but my understanding is they need to be entered by the driver into the "type" field for the application to work correctly.