Robot Vacuums

Yes, I would avoid commands with that model. I don't think it responds well to commands.


Inter-face?? Sorry, I misunderstood. I thought you were saying something about in-yer-face! There be lots of that sometimes!


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I tried that twice..
Thatโ€™s possibly why Iโ€™m on wife 3.0 :slight_smile:



Someone has asked a few times about a Hubitat port from the ST author but I haven't seen a response yet. I'd love to see the Neato Botvac (Connected) app port as well as I use it to have our 2 robo-vacs run when we are away (one runs every 2 days and the other every 7).

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Review of the Roborock S5 Xiaomi I received from Amazon

Very good in terms of cleaning and smart routing! Even though it has 2 side brushes and the vacuum apposed to the Bissell has horizontal rotating brush to pick up stuff (in addition to 2 sweepers on the sides), the suction power plus the micro fiber cloth is more than enough to clean hardwood floors which I have. Not sure about carpet.

The auto clean mode does random cleaning and then when it detects a wall it will do edge cleaning. I have a kitchen, dining room, 2 bedrooms, and 2 bathrooms. The robot cleaned all rooms at least twice before running out of battery and returning back to charge (Around 2 hours which is 120 minutes. Run time above average). Also, it found its way back to recharge quite quick, not sure how it does it.

Once I opened the bin, holy sh*t amazed at how much dirt/dust whatever it sucked up. Highly recommend.

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You may be able to integrate a credit card gateway and get that model to accept a limited command set. It would be a lot less expensive than upgrading to a new model.

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Anyone got this working? I have a Neato D7 and i can controll all aspects of it via HA. So id like to work on a driver to port it to HE.
I found the driver i believe here.
Looking for a guide on how to port code over from ST to HE.

I would love to see that app ported from ST, I use it there still. However I know he has to modify the code almost yearly when Neato does something with their firmware that changes how it works with the APIs. It works great though, when we all leave the house I have it send one of our vacuums every other day without no-go-lines and the other it sends once a week with no-go-lines.

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I started porting it and so far i am blocked by lack of knowledge (i have invested 1 hour on hubitat code in total :slight_smile: ) on how to authenticate the user app to hubitat.

The author clearly invested a huge amount of time on this code, it would be great if we can directly reuse his work without forking it, he deserves the credit.

Stuck hunting the Hubitat URLs for this section:

def getServerUrl()           { return "" }
def getShardUrl()            { return getApiServerUrl() }
def getCallbackUrl()         { return getServerUrl() + "/oauth/callback?access_token=${state.accessToken}" }
def getBuildRedirectUrl()    { return getServerUrl() + "/oauth/initialize?access_token=${state.accessToken}" }
def getApiEndpoint()         { return "" }
def getSmartThingsClientId() { return settings.clientId }
def beehiveURL(path = '/') 	 { return "${path}" }```
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Andy, did you ever get around to this? Neato is the last device on my ST hub โ€” want to convert the ST hub to a paper weight or door stop!

Nope I never got around to it.
Iโ€™m using ifttt to connect to HE


It sucks that IFTTT only allows 3 automations now though :frowning:

Yeah, but this is all I use it for :slight_smile:

Me too. The thing about IFTTT, though, is that I can start the vacuum from HE via IFTTT, but I can't figure out a way get feedback when/if the vacuum has completed. This is a critical piece for my use-case. @Cobra, have you solved for this with your Neato in IFTTT?

Nope :frowning:

Just checking in to see if anyone has figured out how to get a neato D7 to directly interface with HE

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This is an old thread but on the topic of vacuum robots -

My Roomba 980 became non-functional after two years.

After some research I replaced it with the Neabot NoMo for about $400 on sale on Amazon. I am very happy with it. I recommend that all new vacuum robot purchases include the self-emptying canister feature.

The Neabot does this extremely well. I have yet to need to replace the bag in the main canister. I had to empty Roomba's little ashtray-sized container after every vacuuming.

The navigation is amazing and you can program "no-go' zones in the app.

HE integration? I don't know. I'll wait with clean floors and carpets.

I love my neato, I've bought two of them. But, all I know is the next one will be from wyze. Only $200!

I've been happy with all of my Wyze products so far. The $30 Wyze wrist band is great. Same for the scale and $200 for a robot vacuum looks like an easy decision.

I keep fearing that it's too good to be true and the monthly charges to keep using the hardware are coming any day. We'll see.

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I have EUFY Robovacs that have done well. Both are C models so have WiFi but they are Tuya devices... with no easy way to change that (even though the WiFi module is actually pretty easy to get at if you open them up).

Anyways I wanted to control them via the WiFi but settled on an easier method that has worked great. I have a pair of Broadlink RM3 IR/RF transceivers, one mounted near each robot's charger. Twice a day (the normal controls only allow for once) they get the command to start cleaning.

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