Hi there
After a breakdown, I realized that Philips hue bulbs is not the best choice for lightning, but what to choose.
My set up got about 40 ct philips hue gu10, but as I understand they are not very stable (bad zigbee mesh interaction) but what to do?
Should I add an extra HE solely for Philips hue bulbs or use a Philips Hue bridge, however I would rather prefere a solution with only one hub.
Is it posible to buy ct bulbs working or what is your suggestion?
Do you have a Hue Hub? If so then I would recommend using that and the bridge first to see if it improves things. If not then getting one might be cheaper than replacing all your bulbs.
I think you have most of the answer wrapped up in your question...
Asking about a 2nd HE or a Hue Hub tells you that segregating zll bulbs from zha everything else is a well tried solution. If your entire Zigbee collection is bulbs, they can be on a single hub. It's mixing zll and zha that cause problems. It's your choice how to accomplish that. If you want one hub, then clearly replacing all non-bulb devices with their ZWave counterpart would do it. Probably the most expensive way to go. The Hue hub is probably the least costly and would introduce you to the value of "supporting cast" of helpful tools in a smart smart house. Eventually(?) you'll want a Node-Red solution and that too needs an extra "cast member".
As others have mentioned, I definitely 100% agree that keeping Hue on its own bridge (or a second ZLL-only hub) is best option... All of my Hue is on its normal Hue bridge and I integrate it to HE via CoCoHue -- it's been a darn-near flawless solution for me.
I myself prefer CoCoHue over the native Hue integration for the additional flexibility it offers.
The "best" is the most optimal for your setup. It always depends on a lot of different factors. Since you have a lot of Hue bulbs then the "best" solution for your use-case is to use a Hue hub to control the bulbs (and other Hue stuff) and the Hubitat for all the rules for both the Hue and control of non-Hue devices.
I have about 170 devices, so a list will be quite a job
However, price is not really the matter (sounds good😖) the real issue is to get a good and stable solution.
In panic, I ordered an extra c7 yesterday so I think that splitting it up in to networks, zll and zla will be the best
How to tell which of my devices is what, philips hue bulbs is easy, but what about philips motion sensors. Manufacteres homepages do not offer much information regarding zll and zla. What does zla mean, I only managed to google zll.
Having two c7’s will they apear and work together in the same app, or will it take some switching around.
Thanks to all for chiming in, it is very much appreciated.
ZLL is Zigbee Lighting, while ZHA is Zigbee Home Automation.
Keep your Zigbee smart bulbs all together on one hub (the exception being Sengled Zigbee bulbs, as they are ZHA and are not repeaters.) Keep sensors like motion and contact sensors on the other hub. Make sure both hubs are using different Zigbee channels. The best channels to choose are 15, 20, and 25.
So today I got my new hubbit.
I also managed to move 5 hue gu10 and make perfectly working scenes.
The two hubs can see each other, deviceses are set to hub mesh enabled but I can not see deviceses from the new hub in the old. I will give google and youtube a try tonight , otherwise I will come back.
Thank you everybody from
For those who asked, here is the list
I got
42 ct gu10 hue bulbs
4 E27 ct hue bulbs
7 E27 hue bulbs
2 Nordtronic dimmer relays
5 nordtronic relays
4 hue outdoor motion sensors
5 hue indoor motion sensors
4 Aqara humidity sensors
1 Aqara tilt sensor
3 Aqara door sensors
5 hue smart plugs
10 SonoS players
7 phones/ipads
6 Ikea blinds
2 danalock doorlocks
The rest will be virtual
For me personally I use Lutron switches because they just work. These control the majority of my lighting. I use a hue bridge for the odd table lamp bulb. Going forward if you're sticking with bulbs, either go with sengled (as they don't repeat) or zigbee 3.0 bulbs