RM5 Days of Week Schedule Trigger Bug

Alarm_1 is set for 04:30 and a DateTime variable connector is created.

When Alarm_1 is added to a Days of Week Schedule it reads it's value as 03:30 (but does not change the variable's value of 04:30) and sets the cron string to '0 30 3 * * ?'. I can't think of any circumstance where I'd ever set a date and time or just a time and want it to correct for DST. DST should only adjust the clock twice a year. Any schedules should be unaffected.

Once the variable connector is used it does not show up under triggers. Only the days are shown.

Changing the variable's time does not automatically update the cron job. Changing the variable to another time variable also does not update the cron job. Opening the rule and clicking 'update rule' does update it. If the variable is updated with a new time and 'update rule' is clicked the new time is set and not adjusted for DST.

The rule does fire when the cron string matches the current time.

Are you on the latest build that was released today?


Would you mind re-establishing those variable settings, and the rule, and see if the problem persists? There was a bug in the prior release that messed up timezone / DST things. I think it's fixed, but maybe not?

I tried that but I used the exact same name after the deletion. Perhaps something didn't get deleted? Let me use a different name altogether and see if that helps.

I'm pretty sure there is a bug still, based on what you've shown. We will get it sorted and put out another release once we do....

Thank you sir!

Here's the results from the test. I used a new rule and a new variable.