RM3 simple simple rule not firing

Can anyone help.
Very simple rule but hasn't / wont fire.

What are you using as a trigger? Wouldn't you need a trigger for Temp of Laundry Cupboard changed?

Trigger is: Temp is > (greater than) 34.5 degrees ?

This is Rule 3.0. "Classic" rules awake upon the change of any "Condition," then evaluate the "Rule" (the concept for which, perhaps confusingly, no longer exists in Rule 4.0) and run "Actions for True" or "Actions for False" depending on the truth value of the rule.

So...that rule looks fine to me. Have you turned on any of the logging options to see what it thinks it's doing? I'm assuming you know that the temperature of the sensor would have to change at least once before this would fire, though you could click the "Run this Rule" button to see what RM would do at this moment in time if it did.

How could I recreate the rule in 4 ?
I ran the rule last night and it didnt shut off after 10 minutes when the temp did drop down.

Did the temperature go back above 34.5? (Enabling logging, as suggested, would help you see what the Rule thinks it's doing.) That would cancel your "off" as written.

That being said, this would be pretty easy to re-create in Rule 4.0:

Triggers: Temperature of Laundry Cupboard *changed*


IF (Temperature of Laundry Cupboard > 34.5) THEN
  Cancel Delayed Actions 
  On: TP Plug
  Delay 0:10:00 (cancelable)
  Off: TP Plug

Some people also like to put in a little "buffer zone" so if the temperature keeps fluctuating around (below and under) 34.5, the plug won't keep turning on and off. You may not want this since you're already making sure the temperature stays there for at least 10 minutes before turning off the plug, but if you did, you could do something like:

IF (Temperature of Laundry Cupboard >= 35) THEN
  Cancel Delayed Actions 
  On: TP Plug
ELSE-IF (Temperature of Landry Cupboard <= 34) THEN
  Delay 0:10:00 (cancelable)
  Off: TP Plug
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would this work ?
(I can write it up as you have suggested)

It won't completely fail, but that delay will never be cancelled (there are differences between a "standalone" delay action and a delay on an action, but with only one action as you have, it doesn't matter, but the "cancel" flag needs to be set and there needs to be an action somewhere to actually cancel it--unlike Rule 3.0, there is no "truth change" to do this for you). What you can do to fix this is add a "Cancel Delayed Actions" action before (or after--I guess it doesn't really matter) your "On" action. Since I assume you mean that you couldn't figure out how to get these, the "Action Type" you're looking for from the first drop-down menu in RM is "Cancel or Delay Actions, Wait", then you'll see the delay and cancel actions as things you can add.

The second change you'd need to make is to also check the "cancel" flag on your delayed action. (You could also can re-write it as above with a separate "Delay" action with the "cancel" flag set and no delay on that action itself, but checking that additional box is probably easier, and in this case you'd get the same result.)

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Cheers Bert @bertabcd1234 - this is how you had it ?

Looks good to me!

appreciate you taking the time to walk me through it.
RM3 still makes more sense to me, but I know I should be getting into RM4 more.
With more examples like this in my list it will help me bring the old ones up.

No problem! If you haven't read the Rule 4.0 docs yet, there are lots of examples and notes for how to shift 3.0 ways of thinking to the new 4.0 rules (which are basically like more powerful Triggers from 3.0).

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Yep - should read more instead of just keep clicking until something changes.
will have a read through it, ta

Thanks for clarifying. I was wondering that when I posted this. I haven't used RM 3.

I think there should also be a cancellable tag on the Off: TP Plug.

Although, it could be that if a delay is cancelled, everything subsequent is also cancelled.

how would that look mike ?

Edit the 2nd last line (off:TP Plug) , and select "cancelable", making it also 10 mins, like the line above.

The rule as written in the (last) screenshot is correct. You cannot put a "cancel" on something that is not delayed (so you couldn't even try to do that), and a standalone Delay action (as in the final screenshot) will indeed cancel everything after it if the delay is cancelled.