RM. Resume rules timer bug?

I have put a timer in a rule to resume some rules after a delay.
Just been testing it and it doesn't appear to be working correctly.
If the 'switch' is set to minutes it appears to be using seconds.
Here are the screen shots and you can see from the events it is resuming after seconds not minutes.


Events from one of the rules that pauses then resumes.


I am still on the previous build as I am waiting for the Xiaomi drivers to be updated.

EDIT: Further testing has revealed that wherever the switch is set, seconds or minutes, it is using seconds.

try tagging @bravenel for RM questions/reports.

This sounds like the same issue I reported here:


Bug found and fixed. Thanks for bringing this forward. Fix will be in next release.

In the meantime for minutes, use seconds, just multiply minutes by 60.

I go to bed, wake up and you have a fix!!! :smile:
Once again great service. Thanks again.

@bravenel I used m*60 and the rule now the entire thing works just fine. Glad you found and fixed the bug. Thanks for the quick response!

It was a typo, and a non-obvious one at that.