So, when the switch turns on, the rule waits 2 minutes and then turns on lights. That doesn’t sound like what you originally asked for. :thinking:

Look at my rule in post #2. It turns on the lights, the delays for a minute, then turns off the lights.

Your Alexa Routine looks fine.

it's not. I have the LOGIC off...what i was trying to do was when the switch turns on turn on the lights hallway, and hallway2 immediately, then turn them off after 2 minutes. What did i miss?

Take a look at my rule in post 2. You’ll see the difference. Ignore the IF line and ENDIF. Just focus on the three middle lines.

I'm all set...that's for making me work for this. It prevents extreme laziness and promotes better understanding. I really appreciate the help.

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You’re welcome!

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I'm reading this again...so I have some of the ST multipurpose sensors. One of them I have setup to turn on the basement lights as you walk downstairs but only during a specified time interval. I want to leave them on for 45 min then shut them off. 2 things. 1. How could I make it so ANY time that motion is triggered, Alexa will say, "Someone approaches"? 2. that existing rule I have, how do you start that 45 min timer over again, if let's say, somebody switched the lights on and off manually by accident?

This one should be fairly simple. In the Hubitat Amazon Echo Skill app, share the motion sensor with Alexa. Then, in the Alexa Mobile phone app, create a Routine and use the Hubitat Motion Sensor as the Trigger. As an action, use the SAY command.

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The simplest way to handle this type of automation, IMHO, is to use Hubitat’s built-in Motion Lighting App. It will automatically handle resetting a motion inactivity timer to keep lights on as long as there is motion.

So yes, I'm using that...here it is:

And the actual rule:

Since I'm in the built-in Moition Lighting, you're saying it automatically starts over?

Yes. Every time your motion sensor goes from Active to Inactive, the 45 minute timer starts. If the sensor goes back to Active, the timer is cancelled, awaiting the sensor to go Inactive again.

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Most excellent...thanks again!

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