RM Legacy rule firing at strange times

Hi all

I have a rule that turns all of my lights off at 23:59 if the TV is not switched on and mode is still Evening. 5 mins before this rule fires I have this rule fire:

Can anyone explain why I'm getting a notification message ' Lights warning given - 19 Oct 2021 @ 23:54' at 15:22 on 10 Nov 2021? I can't understand why the dates are mismatched or why the rule is firing?

Did you get only one notification message on the 10th, or did you get multiple? Did this only occur once?

If you haven’t enabled logging, it might be a good idea to do so and then post the logs related to this rule.

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Hi @Sebastien

It happened multiple times and always the same message. Some context: I created a rule (Sub Notification) for notifications to my phone then whenever a rule needs to send a notification, it defines the message in a Variable, (Notification) then calls this rule.

My latest thinking is that I may have a rule calling the routine (Sub Notification) without defining a new notification message and so it sends the last message stored. I'll amend the Sub Notification rule to set the Variable (Notification) to 'Error: Notification not set' after it sends each notification, then if I call it without setting any new text, I'll get the error message sent to my phone.

I'll let you know the results.

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Update: I was setting the variable 'Message' used for voice messages, rather than 'Notification' in two rules. So the old notification message was being sent.

Issue solved, caused by my coding error. :thinking: