I have a rule that turns all of my lights off at 23:59 if the TV is not switched on and mode is still Evening. 5 mins before this rule fires I have this rule fire:
Can anyone explain why I'm getting a notification message ' Lights warning given - 19 Oct 2021 @ 23:54' at 15:22 on 10 Nov 2021? I can't understand why the dates are mismatched or why the rule is firing?
It happened multiple times and always the same message. Some context: I created a rule (Sub Notification) for notifications to my phone then whenever a rule needs to send a notification, it defines the message in a Variable, (Notification) then calls this rule.
My latest thinking is that I may have a rule calling the routine (Sub Notification) without defining a new notification message and so it sends the last message stored. I'll amend the Sub Notification rule to set the Variable (Notification) to 'Error: Notification not set' after it sends each notification, then if I call it without setting any new text, I'll get the error message sent to my phone.
Update: I was setting the variable 'Message' used for voice messages, rather than 'Notification' in two rules. So the old notification message was being sent.