RM. Clarification of Rule Truth option

I notice in RM there is a condition called 'Rule Truth'.
I've assumed that this can be used in a rule to check if another rule is true or false as part of the condition for the rule.
I have tried using this but it always evaluates as False when it should evaluate as True.
Are my assumptions on how this is used correct?

This is correct. Bear in mind that RM is event driven, so the event of the other rule changing its truth state is what will trigger the first rule to evaluate. Also, there is a known "feature" of RM that if you change the name of a rule, these sorts of references break.


Rule Machine User Guide - Community Created SmartApps - SmartThings Community

Anyone need an antique guide to RM? :smiley:

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That guide is accessible inside the parent Rule Machine app, and is hosted here in the community.


Indeed it is.. odd I never noticed it before - been using the ST one all along :frowning:

Thanks for the reply @bravenel
Just for clarity, are you saying

  1. I am using the option correctly.
  2. I need to wait for the piston that I am using in the condition to receive an event so that it updates and the reflects its true / false state in the piston I'm using it in.


In the rule that references the other rule for rule-truth (not pistons!!), if you open it and hit done, it is evaluated, and it will fetch the rule-truth of the other rule then. After that, it will evaluate when the other's rule-truth changes. Also, it will fetch the current rule-truth when you hit done on selecting the capabilities, and show it like this:

Also, rules log their truth events, so you can use Logs page to see them change state. If you have further issues, best to post screen shots showing what you're doing.

Oops. Sorry. :blush: I meant rules.

Gotcha. Will give it a try.

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