RM and Manual Unlock

Is there anyway, currently, to determine if a lock was manually vs digitally unlocked?
I'm very anxious for lock manager, but this could be a stop gap.


Look at the Device events for the lock and see if it says "physical" for a manual unlock. For one from the Device page is should say "digital", or perhaps nothing. These would be in the column Type.

If the lock doesn't report a manual unlock in a different way than a digital unlock, then you'd be out of luck. If it does, a small app that looks at the unlock event and flips a virtual switch or something when it's physical would be easy. RM has "physical" for switches, but not for locks or anything else.

Most locks know the difference, and we report it as such, with description logging enabled, the physical digital that's reported in the event is shown.
Unlocking via digital does not require a code.
Lock Code manager is only going to track statistics when a lock is unlocked by a user code.
LCM in and of itself isn't going to do anything in particular when lock codes are used, HSM and RM will be the apps that take actions on particular lock events.
LCMs primary function is to collect, edit and distribute codes for all your lock devices. It will provide some capabilities related to code usage based disablement.