RM: Adding Variable Condition to existing rule causes Rule Lockup

I appreciate Global variables are in BETA but thought I would just post this issue I have found in case it may be an ongoing problem when GV's come out of BETA.

Existing Rule is as follows.


I then go into conditions to add a boolean GV by selecting 'Variable' as a condition.
It puts Variable in the capability field but nothing else appears and you can see the blue circle going round top right.

If I push the back button on my browser it goes back to the previous page but it has put in the Variable condition but it has selected a Lux sensor.
Now it could be that this is because I probably had that as a condition in the dim and distant past but I cannot be sure.
As I said, just thought I would document in case you need to know.
Tagging @bravenel

If you've edited this rule before, there's no telling what the real problem might be. This is why RM is moving away from allowing conditions to be edited after they are created, a work in progress.

If you would be so kind as to recreate that rule from scratch, and see if you can put the Boolean variable in as a condition, I would appreciate it. I find that to work as expected.

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Yes, everything is OK with a new rule. No issues.
I was wondering if it was to do with a rule that had been previously edited but thought it should be mentioned in case it is GV specific.
Thanks for the swift response.

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