RM Action not executing for both conditions because restrcited

RM only execute "true" condition when motion triggered. However 9 minutes later, it is out of the defined time scope, so "false" condition won't be executed.

How can I let RM execute to turn off the lights even time is out of the defined scope when lights are turned "ON" by the rule.

Simple answer is, you can't. A restriction prevents anything from happening.

But, you could change your rule to make the time element a condition instead of a restriction, and the rule would be "motion active AND time between x and y" (your time selections). So if motion goes active a minute before Sunrise + 60, rule becomes true, lights turn on. Then at Sunrise + 60 the rule becomes false, and starts the 9 minute timer. It can't go true again even with motion, so the lights will turn off in 9 minutes, but can't turn on again until the next evening.

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Thanks Bruce. That's the difference of using condition and restriction in RM.