Today it looks like the rule ran to the point of resuming program, but it didn't resume. I'll have to watch it again tomorrow. Earlier this week, I wasn't seeing the "resumeprogram" at all.
app:2692021-10-28 08:02:42.025 am infoAction: END-IF
app:2692021-10-28 08:02:39.936 am infoAction: resumeProgram() on My ecobee Main Floor
app:2692021-10-28 08:02:39.880 am infoWait over: My ecobee Main Floor climateName Telework
app:2692021-10-28 08:02:39.848 am infoAdjust Ecobee - Getting Dressed (Heat Mode) event: My ecobee Main Floor climateName Telework
app:2692021-10-28 08:00:01.896 am infoAdjust Ecobee - Getting Dressed (Heat Mode) event: Predicate Rule now false
app:2692021-10-28 07:03:56.808 am infoAction: Wait for event: My ecobee Main Floor is climateName(Sleep) contains Telework
app:2692021-10-28 07:03:55.935 am infoAction: setHeatingSetpoint(73) on My ecobee Main Floor
app:2692021-10-28 07:03:55.842 am infoWait over: Main Floor:Master Bath thermo temperature 81.2
app:2692021-10-28 07:03:55.645 am infoAdjust Ecobee - Getting Dressed (Heat Mode) event: Main Floor:Master Bath thermo temperature 81.2
app:2692021-10-28 06:53:56.017 am infoAdjust Ecobee - Getting Dressed (Heat Mode) event: Main Floor:Master Bath thermo temperature 79.5
app:2692021-10-28 06:48:55.484 am infoAdjust Ecobee - Getting Dressed (Heat Mode) event: Main Floor:Master Bath thermo temperature 77.8
app:2692021-10-28 06:38:56.105 am infoAdjust Ecobee - Getting Dressed (Heat Mode) event: Main Floor:Master Bath thermo temperature 76.9
app:2692021-10-28 06:28:55.959 am infoAdjust Ecobee - Getting Dressed (Heat Mode) event: Main Floor:Master Bath thermo temperature 75.8
app:2692021-10-28 06:25:23.535 am infoAction: Wait for event: Main Floor:Master Bath thermo is temperature(73.6) > 80.0
app:2692021-10-28 06:25:22.685 am infoAction: setHeatingSetpoint(79) on My ecobee Main Floor
app:2692021-10-28 06:25:22.679 am infoAction: IF (Main Floor:Master Bath thermo temperature(73.6) <= 80.0(T) [TRUE]) THEN
app:2692021-10-28 06:23:56.336 am infoAdjust Ecobee - Getting Dressed (Heat Mode) event: Main Floor:Master Bath thermo temperature 73.6
app:2692021-10-28 06:18:58.034 am infoAdjust Ecobee - Getting Dressed (Heat Mode) event: Main Floor:Master Bath thermo temperature 74.5
app:2692021-10-28 05:45:13.863 am infoAction: Wait for event: Main Floor:Master Bath thermo is temperature(74.1) > 80.0
app:2692021-10-28 05:45:10.547 am infoAction: setHeatingSetpoint(79) on My ecobee Main Floor
app:2692021-10-28 05:45:10.541 am infoAction: IF (Main Floor:Master Bath thermo temperature(74.1) <= 80.0(T) [TRUE]) THEN
app:2692021-10-28 05:30:18.748 am infoAction: Wait for event: Main Floor:Master Bath thermo is temperature(74.1) > 80.0
app:2692021-10-28 05:30:00.474 am infoAction: setHeatingSetpoint(79) on My ecobee Main Floor
app:2692021-10-28 05:30:00.451 am infoAction: IF (Main Floor:Master Bath thermo temperature(74.1) <= 80.0(T) [TRUE]) THEN
app:2692021-10-28 05:30:00.307 am infoAdjust Ecobee - Getting Dressed (Heat Mode) Triggered
app:2692021-10-28 05:30:00.297 am infoAdjust Ecobee - Getting Dressed (Heat Mode) event: Triggered at Certain Time
app:2692021-10-28 05:00:00.828 am infoAdjust Ecobee - Getting Dressed (Heat Mode) event: Predicate Rule now true
app:2692021-10-28 05:00:00.827 am infoAdjust Ecobee - Getting Dressed (Heat Mode): Predicate Rule now true
app:2692021-10-28 05:00:00.613 am infoAdjust Ecobee - Getting Dressed (Heat Mode) event: Predicate Rule now true
app:2692021-10-28 05:00:00.611 am infoAdjust Ecobee - Getting Dressed (Heat Mode): Predicate Rule now true