RM 2.1.4 - "Ghost" Global

While looking into the problem I was having with a rule with uneditable triggers, I noticed a reference to a null global.

Test was a global I had previously created and then deleted.

Went into the globals editor and found that it wasn't listed in the list of globals, but was listed in the delete globals pulldown.

Saved a backup of the machine state, deleted the global, rebooted the Hubitat.

Went to my munged rule and checked if the triggers were now editable. They still weren't, but the error had changed.

Previously I just got a screen template with a silent (log-only) exception:

java.lang.ClassCastException: null (selectTriggers)

Now I'm getting an unexpected error and the exception has changed:

java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String on line 620 (selectTriggers)

Test no longer appears in the allVars/globVars table entries of the rule.

Interestingly, clicking Update Rule causes the exception to revert to null (selectTriggers)