RL status from RM

Is there a way to check the status (on/off) of a Room Lighting rule from a Rule Machine rule? I know you can turn a RL rule on or off from RM, but can you simply check the status? I tried creating an Activator Device in RL, but that device doesnā€™t keep status (on/off), it appears it can only be used to activate RL. Correct me if Iā€™m wrong here.

Thanks for the help!

Room Lighting includes an option called "Indicator" (found under "Means to Activate Lights" > "Activate Lights Options" > "Select Indicator Use") which reports the group's current status based on the following choices:

This is in addition to the "Active" state shown on the Apps list of the HE interface:

In any event, the group status will also be reported on the RL Activation Device you've selected (if any) as groupState:

That attribute, in turn, can be used to trigger RM rules, by choosing "Custom Attribute" and selecting the target activation device and groupState:


Thank you very much, this did the trick! I hadnā€™t seen this option yet, and I missed the documentation entry too.

Thanks again!

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