Ring contact v2 battery levels

Are these things really that good!? I have a bunch that went into service the first week of November and only one has dropped to 80%. The rest still report 100%. I'm beginning to wonder if I can trust them.

For Ring devices , I have no idea. I will say, with Z-wave done right, the battery life is just amazing. My dome leak sensors are going on year 3 with the same battery. I used to hate these because they were so sleepy and I always suspected they were falling off(C4 originally), now on the C7 I can see them in Z-wave details and they are rock solid.
There now, I just jinxed myself, they'll all die tomorrow :slight_smile:


Wow! 3 years! That makes me feel better. I'd be interested to know specifically about the ring ones though.

@lawsonad @rob9 can you guys comment on battery life for @markbellkosel84 with the ring contact sensors?
do they report temp also?

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No they do not.

Fine by me. Open/close, tamper/clear, and battery.


Battery life seems decent. No temp. What @markbellkosel84 said. :slight_smile:

I have 4 on the Ring Alarm hub - never changed the batteries on any of them. Have had them for over 2 years now.

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