Ridiculously Automated Garage Door APP - from ST

I am trying to use Ridiculously Automated Garage Door from ST. But seems getting “null” on cars.find{it.id == evt.deviceId} when state is present…

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 *  Copyright 2015 SmartThings
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 *  in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
 *  on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 *  for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 *  Ridiculously Automated Garage Door
 *  Author: SmartThings
 *  Date: 2013-03-10
 * Monitors arrival and departure of car(s) and
 *    1) opens door when car arrives,
 *    2) closes door after car has departed (for N minutes),
 *    3) opens door when car door motion is detected,
 *    4) closes door when door was opened due to arrival and interior door is closed.

    name: "Ridiculously Automated Garage Door",
    namespace: "smartthings",
    author: "SmartThings",
    description: "Monitors arrival and departure of car(s) and 1) opens door when car arrives, 2) closes door after car has departed (for N minutes), 3) opens door when car door motion is detected, 4) closes door when door was opened due to arrival and interior door is closed.",
    category: "Convenience",
    iconUrl: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Meta/garage_contact.png",
    iconX2Url: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Meta/garage_contact@2x.png"

preferences {

	section("Garage door") {
		input "doorSensor", "capability.contactSensor", title: "Which sensor?"
		input "doorSwitch", "capability.momentary", title: "Which switch?"
		input "openThreshold", "number", title: "Warn when open longer than (optional)",description: "Number of minutes", required: false
        input("recipients", "contact", title: "Send notifications to") {
            input "phone", "phone", title: "Warn with text message (optional)", description: "Phone Number", required: false
	section("Car(s) using this garage door") {
		input "cars", "capability.presenceSensor", title: "Presence sensor", description: "Which car(s)?", multiple: true, required: false
		input "carDoorSensors", "capability.accelerationSensor", title: "Car door sensor(s)", description: "Which car(s)?", multiple: true, required: false
	section("Interior door (optional)") {
		input "interiorDoorSensor", "capability.contactSensor", title: "Contact sensor?", required: false
	section("False alarm threshold (defaults to 10 min)") {
		input "falseAlarmThreshold", "number", title: "Number of minutes", required: false

def installed() {
	log.trace "installed()"

def updated() {
	log.trace "updated()"

def subscribe() {
	// log.debug "present: ${cars.collect{it.displayName + ': ' + it.currentPresence}}"
	subscribe(doorSensor, "contact", garageDoorContact)

	subscribe(cars, "presence", carPresence)
	subscribe(carDoorSensors, "acceleration", accelerationActive)

	if (interiorDoorSensor) {
		subscribe(interiorDoorSensor, "contact.closed", interiorDoorClosed)

def doorOpenCheck()
	final thresholdMinutes = openThreshold
	if (thresholdMinutes) {
		def currentState = doorSensor.contactState
		log.debug "doorOpenCheck"
		if (currentState?.value == "open") {
			log.debug "open for ${now() - currentState.date.time}, openDoorNotificationSent: ${state.openDoorNotificationSent}"
			if (!state.openDoorNotificationSent && now() - currentState.date.time > thresholdMinutes * 60 *1000) {
				def msg = "${doorSwitch.displayName} was been open for ${thresholdMinutes} minutes"
				log.info msg

                if (location.contactBookEnabled) {
                    sendNotificationToContacts(msg, recipients)
                else {
                    sendPush msg
                    if (phone) {
                        sendSms phone, msg
				state.openDoorNotificationSent = true
		else {
			state.openDoorNotificationSent = false

def carPresence(evt)
	log.info "$evt.name: $evt.value"
	// time in which there must be no "not present" events in order to open the door
	final openDoorAwayInterval = falseAlarmThreshold ? falseAlarmThreshold * 60 : 600

	if (evt.value == "present") {
		// A car comes home

		def car = getCar(evt)
		def t0 = new Date(now() - (openDoorAwayInterval * 1000))
		def states = car.statesSince("presence", t0)
		def recentNotPresentState = states.find{it.value == "not present"}

		if (recentNotPresentState) {
			log.debug "Not opening ${doorSwitch.displayName} since car was not present at ${recentNotPresentState.date}, less than ${openDoorAwayInterval} sec ago"
		else {
			if (doorSensor.currentContact == "closed") {
                sendPush "Opening garage door due to arrival of ${car.displayName}"
                state.appOpenedDoor = now()
			else {
				log.debug "door already open"
	else {
		// A car departs
		if (doorSensor.currentContact == "open") {
			log.debug "Closing ${doorSwitch.displayName} after departure"
            sendPush("Closing ${doorSwitch.displayName} after departure")

		else {
			log.debug "Not closing ${doorSwitch.displayName} because its already closed"

def garageDoorContact(evt)
	log.info "garageDoorContact, $evt.name: $evt.value"
	if (evt.value == "open") {
		schedule("0 * * * * ?", "doorOpenCheck")
	else {

def interiorDoorClosed(evt)
	log.info "interiorContact, $evt.name: $evt.value"

	// time during which closing the interior door will shut the garage door, if the app opened it
	final threshold = 15 * 60 * 1000
	if (state.appOpenedDoor && now() - state.appOpenedDoor < threshold) {
		state.appOpenedDoor = 0
	else {
		log.debug "app didn't open door"

def accelerationActive(evt)
	log.info "$evt.name: $evt.value"

	if (doorSensor.currentContact == "closed") {
		log.debug "opening door when car door opened"

private openDoor()
	if (doorSensor.currentContact == "closed") {
		log.debug "opening door"

private closeDoor()
	if (doorSensor.currentContact == "open") {
		log.debug "closing door"

private getCar(evt)
	cars.find{it.id == evt.deviceId}

Would be helpful to get a full log when the error happens. The log output on line 113 would help narrow it down. I tested id and deviceId both are valid properties and return the correct values. Can you check if cars is set correctly by clicking the blue i icon next to the installed app and checking the Value column?

Yes all properties are seems to be correct.
However on arrival event
I am getting :errorCannot invoke method statesSince() on null object. on line 135
Added few lines for debugging.

   def carPresence(evt)
    	log.info "$evt.name: $evt.value"
    	// time in which there must be no "not present" events in order to open the door
    	final openDoorAwayInterval = falseAlarmThreshold ? falseAlarmThreshold * 60 : 600
    	if (evt.value == "present") {
    		// A car comes home
      		def car = getCar(evt)
                    log.debug "car event ${car}"
    		def t0 = new Date(now() - (openDoorAwayInterval * 1000))
            log.info "$t0"
            def states = car.statesSince("presence", t0)
            log.debug "$states"
    		def recentNotPresentState = states.find{it.value == "not present"}
    		if (recentNotPresentState) {
    			log.debug "Not opening ${door.displayName} since car was not present at ${recentNotPresentState.date}, less than ${openDoorAwayInterval} sec ago"
    		else {
    			if (door.currentDoor == "closed") {
                  log.debug "open garage door"
    //				sendPush "Opening garage door due to arrival of ${car.displayName}"
    				state.appOpenedDoor = 1
    			else {
    				log.debug "door already open"
    	else {
    		// A car departs
    		if (door.currentDoor == "open") {
    //			closeDoor()
    			log.debug "Closing ${door.displayName} after departure"
    //			sendPush("Closing ${door.displayName} after departure")
    		else {
    			log.debug "Not closing ${door.displayName} because its already closed"

Getting - debug : car event null

I know this is a year old post, but I was wondering if you ever got the garage door app running.
I just got everything set up and I just have a simple rule in rule machine to open our door when my wife or I are present, but I was looking for a more robust solution.


Unfortunately no.
Created rule in RM.

Ok, thanks :slight_smile: