Reverse open close in driver?

Is it possoble to reverse this driver so 0 % in level means that it is closed and 100 % that it is open?

I am not a developer, but looking at the code, it seems it would only require switching lines 129 (to result= 100;) and 132 (to result = 0;)

if (value == "off") {
    result = 0;
if (value == "on" ) {
    result = 100;

Lines 144, 147, 155 & 158 may also need to be updated...

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Hmmmm, didn't work......It only revertet the "open" and "close" command. Not the set level command.

Did you just update 129 and 132, or also 144, 147, 155 & 158? I suspect that open & close are 129 and 132 and that the others might invert the set level...

But this is only a guess - I am very much not a developper...