Edit: "What's wrong here". Answer "Me"
I've not a clue why this simple RL instance is not working... It should bring on my rear floodlight when I open the 'Bi Fold Doors' or trigger the motion sensor but nothing. The logs show the door open, I must be missing something obvious. It always says 'already activated' but it is not. Logs show the door open and the motion, it schedules the 'off' but it hasn't turned on in the first instance. I've gone into the rule checked it and clicked done - same result:
It appears you have this configured to turn the switch off when the rule is activated.
If you want the light to turn on when activated, toggle the switch from off to on in the "Activation Settings" section of the grid (click on the red off and it should change to on).
Thanks Tony. I will never get me head around RL. I could spend a day reading the docs and still be non the wiser. I don't even know why that panel is needed and I can't just use the various text options. I'm amazed the other RL rules I have work as I've never looked at that...
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