[RESOLVED] My Hubitat hub died 1/18/19

My hub died around 1/18/19 at 22:33 and it's now 1/24/19. I did submit a support case (11711).

I rely on the hub for home mode (away, home, night). These set temps, alarms, lights, security camera mode, etc. Most of these cost me money.
I've refrained from rebooting my hub hoping that support will poke around and find the issue. Maybe it affects others.
My Z-Wave lock automatons quit working around the 2.0.4 update (ie. locks aren't sending lock codes that need to be acted on anymore (cleaning crew, kids, wife, etc).
I see from other posts that the issue with z-wave lock codes is resolved in 2.0.5 but that still hasn't been published/released yet. That's a pretty major issue that requires a prompt hotfix!
This costs me security (away/home), trust(lights on/off, locks locked/unlocked, etc), utility bills (thermostats not changing, lights, power switches), etc..
I'm getting SQL resource errors. It appears the hub doesn't have the resources to keep it's SQL resources/engine running, I'm doing something special, there is some sort of memory leak, or the storage is full.

When I can get the logs to pull up, I often see:
amerrorjava.sql.SQLException: An SQLException was provoked by the following failure: com.mchange.v2.resourcepool.ResourcePoolException: A ResourcePool cannot acquire a new resource -- the factory or source appears to be down.
I also often see (500) Internal Server Error issues.

I provided this data in support case 11711.
Just hoping for a resolution soon!


I'm also stuck with a dead hub. I'm being patient, it's more that I miss the benefits and want to get back to my hobby of automating everything!

Brian, sorry for the troubles. I see that support was in contact with you as of Tuesday, 1/22/19, and that you were having an issue with one of your sensors. Unfortunately, with your hub being offline, we cannot see what is going on. Please see my PM for more details.

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Thank you for your patience and sorry for the troubles. Please check your PM.

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I have a ticket (11771) in too for the same thing yesterday. I hope support can help identify the issue. I don't see any error in the logs while the hub is running. It seems like every week or two my hub would go down.

Support worked with me on doing a soft reset on the hub and then doing a restore of my last on-hub backup. Its online now and working at the moment. We'll see if it goes back to throwing the Resource Pool issues and stops responding again in a day or so.

Hi Quang, please see the email in response to your ticket. It appears that the problems you are experiencing are caused by a custom driver.

Thanks @bobbyD.. Will take a look at that driver. For now, I'll switch to the built-in driver.

I have been having the same problem, how did you manage to soft reset the hub when it's down? I've had to downgrade the hub to do it but I don't think that's a great idea.

I just had mine do the same today. I can get no power it seems. No lights. I tried different outlets, etc. Let it sit for an hour without power. Let it sit for 3 hrs with power on. Nothing. I opened a ticket tonight. I am confident we will figure it out. I am just addicted to setting this stuff up and am enjoying getting stuff ready. I showed my kids just the smart plugs I set up today and they cannot wait for us to get switches to get routines going.
Anyway, I hope it is a simple solution. We shall see.

Support prefers for you to contact them so that they can verify that the soft reset procedure is the correct route to go. If soft reset is not the correct route you risk bricking your hub.