I gave my hubitat away and needed to reset it.. Did this by the USB method (blank file in root of USB called resetHubitat)
The new owner now can boot it and go to portal.hubitat.com and he will get a "my new hubitat" that he can click on... it routes hin to (this seems to be correct according to his LAN )
He will then get a connection refused error..
I have tried to contact support a couple of days ago to see if they need to do something on their end, but no respond from them...
Can you please have him try again? I reset the hub. Also, please tell him to reach out to support directly, so we can link his email address to the hub.
The process referenced in this topic has been retired. For help resetting a hub, please contact suport at support@hubitat.com of perform a Soft Reset following instruction in below document: